Proactively Waging Peace
Muse & Method is a space for heart warriors who are ready to unshame & unlearn all that is not in resonance with their truest selves. We proactively wage peace by quieting the war within & making friends with ALL parts of ourselves & the collective.
Check out the Resources for Rising in the menu or scroll down to read more about Breean Elyse Miller.
We've all been fed a line, a lie, an unreasonable expectation -- that we have to be, look, and act a certain way in order to belong, succeed, and be loved.
The truth is, the more we try to live up to this expectation, the more we disconnect from our power.
As we "perform" to meet external standards, we lose ourselves.
We cleave off parts of ourselves to fit in.
We dim our lights to make others comfortable.
We quiet our voices for fear of being misunderstood.
We numb, ignore and abuse our bodies because we see them as burdens...as something to be used.
We disconnect from our wisdom, our intuition, and our embodied intelligence because the analytical mind is prized far above more mysterious means of perception and discernment.
We lose sight of our gifts, our soul's purpose, and our unique, strange kind of magic.
I know this because I have lived this and I continued to watch other beautiful, powerful women lose sight of just how fucking magnificent and huge they really are.
Walking this path, discovering how lost I was, how much energy I spent trying to prove my worth through my intellect or how much I could DO and produce -- I have been there, right in the thick of it.
I have spent 15 years in a state of burnout, disconnected from my body and my power.
I have processed the loss of my innocence and my vulnerable, tender heart and I have learned how to shed my armor and live from a place of unconditional love.
I have grieved the years spent chasing distorted dreams that were not mine and the disconnection to my beautiful, sweet, playful inner child.
I have released my need for control, for striving, for proving my worth and I've replaced it with a deep sense of self-love and self-worth.
I have unlearned the pattern of toxic busyness and now I enjoy deep rest that restores my mind, body, and soul.
I have acquired a new set of skills -- embodiment, personal power, intuition, wisdom, discernment, nervous system regulation, self-observation, deliberate practice, and contemplation.
Allow me to introduce myself -- I'm Breean Elyse (pronounced: Bree-in E-lease).
She who allows the flowering of wisdom through strength, truth, and vulnerability.
And I'm here to be your strange and magical guide.
I want nothing more than to share everything I have experienced and learned with you.
I’m called to work with courageous women who want to embody their divine gifts to serve and co-create a New Earth.
As my Soul Self, I’m a chalice of unconditional love, I radiate peace from my being, I expertly distill complexity into frameworks, I see and give voice to nuanced energetics and behavior patterns, I effortlessly weave wisdom and methods into transformational experiences, I hold space with tenderness and fierce grace, and I am a stand for women to rise into Heart Warrior Leadership to Proactively Wage Peace.
My *Human* empowers women and adolescents with confidence, resilience & self-leadership skills via Live Big, creates behavior change and skill-based learning programs for corporate teams, has spent years researching and applying methods to help people change their mindsets and behaviors, and has a Master of Arts in Communications from DePaul University.
As you can tell, my Soul Self and my Human both love learning. As a result, I’ve gathered a bunch of certifications over the years: Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, Yoga Nidra, Permaculture Design, StoryBrand, Storytelling, Design Thinking, Facilitation, Speaking, Gene Keys Guide, Quantum Shamanic Practitioner, Heart-Centered Facilitator.